As much as i joke about him..I REALLY DO ADMIRE JUSTIN. He's one of the very few young celebs who ACTUALLY has a heart and cares deeply about people. I forget he's a teen seomtimes ..but his true character and heart is a testament to his momma. She raised a good boy..
An 18-year-old cancer victim who couldn't make a JUSTIN BIEBER concert received a personal visit from Justin at the hospital on Monday. The woman's friend had Tweeted Justin over the weekend and asked him if he could stop by and see her because she was missing his gig.
On Saturday, Crystal's friend Joana Tweeted to Justin, saying, quote, "It would mean the world to Crystal if you stopped even five minutes to see her, since she is too sick to leave the hospital and attend the concert like her and I had originally planned."
On Monday, Justin Tweeted, quote, "Now off to do something that matters. #giveback." Then he Tweeted a picture of himself with Crystal at the hospital.
n fact, less than a month ago, a 6-year-old fan he'd gotten to know died of cancer . . . and he was really devastated by it