Nice to know THIS wasn't outsourced to china...Thee biggest Dildo facotry is in North Hollywood California..
The newest pop-culture sensation to set off another unanticipated tsunami in sales is Fifty Shades of Grey, the B-grade whips-and-chains erotica phenomenon self-published by cheeky English housewife E. L. James. "After the book hit supermarkets, you could not find a pair of ben wah balls anywhere," Braverman recalls. "They sold out internationally." Ben wah balls are those clanky, steel balls you'd typically find in a junky Chinese souvenir shop, meant for twirling around in your hand to help in meditation, but in Fifty Shades, the couple uses the orbs as a sex toy. The balls have been covertly and quietly this way for some time, but Fifty Shades made them completely commonplace and socially acceptable.