Joe Walsh is another extreme Tea party Schmuck..spreading the hate..this time..Damning a War vet opponent with no LEGS..
Now..explain to me Where are the Right Wing Veterans who slammed Obama for wearing a novelty flag with the President's face on it. They talked about how offensive it was to veterans everywhere...not a singel one of those RIGHT wingers have opned their mouths.. I totally in my heart, give thanks to ALL of the vets for their courage for protecting our coutnry..but that does not excuse Blatant Blindness in a situation like this... READ ON
While in Iraq in 2004, Tammy Duckworth lost both of her legs and part of her arm when her helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. Walsh mentioned his opponent's service in an interview with Politico this week, but seemed less-than-impressed by Duckworth's credentials:
“I have so much respect for what she did in the fact that she sacrificed her body for this country,” said Walsh, simultaneously lowering his voice as he leaned forward before pausing for dramatic effect. “Ehhh. Now let’s move on.”“What else has she done? Female, wounded veteran … ehhh,” he continued. “She is nothing more than a handpicked Washington bureaucrat. David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel just picked her up and dropped her into this district.”