When will America wake up...and when will the DEMS seize the momentum to show the Country how totally out of touch these greedy money grubbing Conservative tea bagging morons really are?
They continue to smoke screen and have yet to tackle anything about creating jobs..they just keep cutting Stuff ..and people are LOSING jobs...
Lets see..they wanna screw the nations farmers..they wanna Screw around with the Debt limit and freak out the world markets and ..they wanna do a vouchers kinda like Welfare coupons for the Elderly... BUT have they created any jobs? Fixed the economy? how about increase taxes for the rich? Slap some taxes on the BILLIONS that the big oil companies make? NOPE.. the GOP uses the ignorance of the Little guys to pad the Big guys pockets..
WASHINGTON -- Republicans are using the lopsided outcome of Tuesday's failed debt ceiling vote as a means to push through Medicare reforms.
Not everyone was open to the idea, pushed by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), that a plan by Rep. Paul Ryan to privatize the program for future seniors remain "on the table" for debt limit talks. But what was clear from Tuesday night's vote, in which a clean debt ceiling bill went down 318 to 97, was that GOP lawmakers felt emboldened to try to push entitlement reform yet again.
WASHINGTON -- A House committee voted Tuesday to cut farm subsidies to pay for deficit reduction and other budget priorities, chipping away at the billions of dollars a year that are directed to farmers.